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£900 bill to repair vandal-hit hut

A SCOUT group plagued by vandalism has had to fork out £900 to repair damage to the fence around its hut.

The 1st Newington troop has been forced to raid its funds to cover some of the repair bill following vandalism in February, despite being covered by insurance.

Spokesman Geoff Dyson said: "It is not fair that a small minority can ruin things for our 60 Scouts, Cubs and Beavers."

The news will further anger villagers, who are facing increasing problems with vandalism.

More than 40 people attended a public meeting in February prompted by the Scout hut vandalism, when they agreed to set up a steering group to tackle vandalism and anti-social behaviour.

The parish council is spending £9,000 installing CCTV cameras in the High Street, but says a further £23,000 is needed to cover other problem areas.

These include the recreation ground and woodland adventure area off Playstool Road, where the council has spent £900 repairing acts of vandalism, and the area around the village hall and Scout hut, off the High Street.

There are also reported problems at the station and in an area of Swale Housing Association housing in the village.

The parish council heard on Tuesday night that one elderly couple had had dog faeces smeared on their window and posted through their letterbox.

Cllr Terry Martin-Young, who is co-ordinating the CCTV project for the parish council, said: "We are suffering at the moment. A lot of residents are in their senior years and feel unsafe."

An application for a grant from Swale Borough Council to help fund additional CCTV was unsuccessful.

The village has also failed in its bid for a community policeman for Newington.

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