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Cancer charity challenge over 24 hours

Candles of Hope like these will be placed around the athletics track at Canterbury High School for Cancer Research UK's Relay for Life
Candles of Hope like these will be placed around the athletics track at Canterbury High School for Cancer Research UK's Relay for Life

You can walk, run or crawl - as long as you take part.

That is the message from the organiser of a 24-hour charity relay in aid of Cancer Research UK.

Relay for Life takes place round the track at Canterbury High School on September 13 and 14.

Eleven teams have so far signed up. It is the first time the event has been held in the city and organiser Paul Talbot, who lost a friend to cancer last year, is pleased with the response.

But he says there is still time for more teams to join in what he believes will be a rewarding, enjoyable and emotional occasion.

Participants will take turns to run or walk around the 400m track through the day and night, ensuring that at least one team member is on the circuit at all times.

Mr Talbot said: “We are looking for teams of eight to 15 people who can run, walk or even crawl around and generally engage in the party atmosphere which will include fancy dress, games and dancing.

“Those not on the track can take their turns to sleep, rest, eat or play from their tents which will be set up in the infield.

“So far we have £4,000 in pledges but we are hoping people will come along and support their friends and family and raise a lot more.”

Mr Talbot added that he was also keen for survivors of cancer to be involved by taking part in a parade lap at the start of the event at 11am and then enjoy a celebration champagne reception.

There will also be a moving Candle of Hope ceremony on the Saturday night where anyone can dedicate a candle to someone lost to cancer or fighting the disease.

Anyone who wants to take part can contact Mr Talbot on 07988 880706 or go to www.relay.org.uk

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